How to obtain those genuine emotions in a Family Photo Shoot!

I'm sure we've all been there.....Mum has organised a professional photo shoot, spent hours organising outfits and reiterating to their family to give lot's of smiles and behave on the day of the shoot.  I totally I get it, you want the photographer to capture them at their best but sometimes there will be one child that won't be cooperative on the day!  Most Dads aren't particularly too keen either (sorry Dads)!  The stress of trying to get everybody ready and meet the photographer on time, once you get there you're stressed and all everyone can think of is getting it over with before someone loses it. 

I like to ask lot's of questions prior to the photo shoot to get to know each of your family members and to help them relax and have fun during the shoot.  It's okay if one child doesn't want to have their picture taken, don't stress as once they see the other members of your family having fun, they want to be included as well.  They will come round!

My aim is to capture the interaction and love you have for one another.  Hug them, laugh with them, tickle them, whisper silly things in their ears, throw them in the air and play with them so they see that this is more of a play date with Mum and Dad, not a photo shoot where they can't relax and be themselves.  This is your know them, you love them how you feel and those gorgeous interacting photos will happen.

Family fun at Brighton Beach!
Family time digging in the sand!
Family Photography Melbourne